Removable Device Control and Encryption
It’s an unfortunate fact that companies from both the public and private sector are still suffering data loss and data leakage in relation to removable devices, and with the ICO’s increasing ability to levy fines against organisations who are failing to adequately protect personal data under the UK DPA (data protection act) there has never been more reason to ensure the necessary controls are in place. Whether this is from lack of adequate training, accidental loss, individuals taking IP (intellectual property) with them when they leave work to their benefit or malicious corporate espionage, there is still every reason to have a means of technical enforcement to any policy that is implemented.
Smart cyber Africa’s security architects and SME’s have vast experience evaluating and deploying removable device control and encryption solutions to businesses of all scale from use of built in OS features such as BitLocker to Go, through to solutions from leading security vendors such as Lumension, Checkpoint, McAfee, DeviceLock and PGP with others being constantly evaluated.
Creating the right blend of acceptable use, policy, training, and enforcement is key, and matched with these technical solutions offering a range of innovative features, allows a flexible means of implementing the required level of security for your business, without adversely affecting productivity.
We know that deployment of such technology is a critical key to success, and our experts know what works, what doesn’t, and how to get it right.
Perhaps your business is evaluating means to lock down the use of non-corporate devices such as iPods, allow non-corporate USB sticks enforcing mandatory AES encryption on part potion of the memory stick, or providing a means of encrypted data transfer and auditing for an internal business process, whatever your requirements, Smart cyber Africa can assist in finding the best solution to your business requirements ensuring you keep your data secure, and business, out of the newspaper.